DAS   Business Model

Online marketing is a complex science that must be developed over time. Let us simplify the process for you. By working behind the scenes, we can make adjustments and continue to beat your competition. We formulate sound strategies and execute a powerful offense.



Due diligence is completed for each dealer and analyzed for proper fit. We only take clients we know we can help!


A custom plan is created to meet each dealer’s needs, budget, and goals. These are flexible and designed as a one of solution.


Without numbers you can’t prove anything. We gather data and find which improvements need to be made.


We track everything! Make changes based on analysis and increase leads for dealerships!

Initial dealership commitment is a 6 month contract. Thereafter, we provide services on a month to month basis. After an initial pilot, through analysis, we can make adjustments to re-target spending to optimize client engagement. Details are adjustable to best meet dealer needs. By coordinating all services we build a truly impressive result for each dealership. We will only provide services to one dealer per Brand in a specific geo-area, utilizing location based features.